Celsius was completed in 2021. The 10,000 m2 building houses 500 employees and advanced research laboratories.
Considering that it all takes place in the Uppsala Science Park, an area for innovation companies, the only thing missing was that the construction process itself also has a foot in the future. StreamBIM takes care of that.
Richard Lundin, site manager in Byggstyrning, says that they work exclusively with tablets, phones and large screens. With StreamBIM, there is no restriction on what they can and cannot show, and they get exactly the information they need.
- Everything is live all the time. Questions are asked and the answer comes shortly afterwards says Richard.
With StreamBIM you have easy access to the latest 3D model on any device.
- I always have the model with me, says project manager Anders Boström. He uses StreamBIM mostly to show others what the project looks like, and the access to an always-updated model is a game changer.
No matter what role someone has on a construction site, StreamBIM makes life easier.
- If it's not in StreamBIM, it should not be built. It is at that level, notes Per Höglin, BIM manager at Tikab. - Coordination becomes much easier.
Read more about the project here: https://vasakronan.se/projekt/celsius/